So im here typing up a paper regarding the Sex ratio of Seattle Washington. This is something I hope no one ever experiences. For future reference, any college students wishing to take a population and economic demographic class in college, DONT I repeat, DONT! This class is the most boring hour and a half of my week. This is saying alot considering I sit around and do nothing all day. Anyhow finals are just 4 weeks away. Wow, time does fly doesnt it? Whats even more amazing is that graduation is less than a year away. Need I say that the past 3 years have been the fastest 3 years of my life. I dont exactly know what im going to do when I graduate, but most likely im gonna start as a bottom feeder for some company, im going to hate my job and my life is going to be dedicated to working 5 days a week 8 hours a day. The monotony of a 9 to 5 scares me to death but I suppose we all must go through that someday. Im hoping to atleast find a job that clears $35k a year and look into buying a property with my older Bro in SD. So much to think about in the next year but first I gotta compare the ratio of black men to white women in some God forsaken city I have no desire of learning about. Wish me luck guys.
On a lighter note, heres a picture of some pretty young ladies. =)
On a lighter note, heres a picture of some pretty young ladies. =)

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