Saturday, May 31, 2008

Small World

So tonite after work, me and my two co-workers Mike and Zack decide to go grab some beers. After some driving we ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings. Now, I know we all live in the modern world and what not, but damn, these are two of the whitest people i've ever met in my life. They're both from different parts of the country and have recently moved to California. One from Pennsylvania the other from upstate New York. They both listen to country music religiously, one hadn't even seen a black person until he was in 7th grade. I'm their first asian friend ever. haha damn. Its pretty funny. Theyre cool peoples. They keep raving to me about these Country spots they go to, but I dont know. Country music's a little to pootie for me. I grew out of my Branding Iron days a while ago. Who knows though. haha. So yeah, hanging out with these guys made me realize how small and isolated the world really is. Even with the advent of technology and the internet, its amazing to know theres still people out there from small towns around the country who live completely different lifestyles from us. Its always interesting to hear stories from people. It really makes you pull things into perspective.


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