working hard, hardly working

So here I am at work in my office. Door closed music playing. Im supposed to be rebuilding Americhip's price database but nevertheless here I am writing on my blog abusing my internet privelages. Its actually really nice here. My boss is cool, my co workers are chill, its a real laid back place to work. I've always wanted my own office, and might I saw its pretty nifty. Oh the things we could do inside here. =X I would love to personalize it with photos, knicknacks, maybe a plant or two, haha, but I cant. My position here is only temporary so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Right now its just an empty room with a huge desk, a computer, phone, some chairs and stacks of my paperwork. Atleast Im keeping it clean. I hope they decide to keep me longer because quite frankly I could get used to this.
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