Groundhog Day

So every day when I arrive to work, I park in the same exact parking space in the south corner parking lot. I don't do it intentionally, for some reason its either the closest space available or its the only one available. However, even if there is quite a few open parking spaces, I still manage to find myself parking in it. I'm not sure why. And everyday, I step out of the drivers side door and into a huge puddle of water. A puddle of water that has magically appeared, cold, dark, damp and deep. The sun may be shining a cool 80 degrees and there, in the middle of the cracked asphalt, trash ridden parking lot, lays an evil puddle of water waiting for me to step into its depths. I tell myself every day as i'm driving that I'm not going to step into it, and every day I yell out "fucking aye!" as the water seeps through the canvas of my shoes. If there were any indication that my life were in a rut right now, this would be it. Ever seen the movie groundhogs day? My current state of mind encapsulated within the murky waters of Lake Michigan which has seemingly defied all logic and managed to find its way into our little parking lot. So to you I say, Fuck you! You dirty puddle of water! Leave me alone. But alas as fate would have it, I know we will eventually meet again as I sit here at my work desk typing this entry with cold feet and wet socks.
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