"let cha shoulda lean"
So these past few days, my minds been fucking everywhere. I dont really know what to think anymore. Whats real, and whats not? Imagine feeling a flurry of emotions one right after one another. Mr Eusebio, Mr Keep Cool buggin out of his mind. Go figure. So yesterday Donel calls me up and asks me to go to the beach with her Isaac and KJ. I decided to roll because I relly did need to get out of my house. Here we were once again, the infamous Dom-a-Ducci crew. What do we do when were not snowboarding? We Bodyboard. It was a gorgeous day and the water wasnt to hot or cold. I really did have a blast. Heres a photographic expose of the events that transpired that morning. I really needed this, I'm glad I went. My stomach however thought otherwise, after the burrito I fed it.

The Dom-a-Ducci Crew

My hairy ass knees

I wanna live there

I dove in right after this picture was taken

Hanging out on the rocks

"Lemme see you bounce right to left and let cha shoulda lean"

The aftermath of the worlds wettest Burrito (NO MSG)

The Dom-a-Ducci Crew

My hairy ass knees

I wanna live there

I dove in right after this picture was taken

Hanging out on the rocks

"Lemme see you bounce right to left and let cha shoulda lean"

The aftermath of the worlds wettest Burrito (NO MSG)
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