Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Away for a while

Hey, so i'm gonna be in Temecula for the next couple of days chillen for spring break. I have my cell so just hit me up. If you wanna come down and hang out, let me know PEACE SUCKA

I promise you this...

Well as promised, heres some pictures from Friday. It was crazy fun, im kinda glad we couldnt get into the club. I really am going to miss working with all these guys. There are ALOT more pictures, but I got too lazy to upload them all. Thanx Donellyn for the pictures! Peace

Edit: So it seems my picture hosting site is acting up. Instead of reuploading all my pictures, you can view the whole album HERE . Sorry for any of the inconvenience.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Better late than never

So heres what happened this past friday. Lets just say it couldnt of started off any worse. As many of you probobly already know, this past friday was my last day working at B of A. Friday night afterwork me and all my co workers were supposed to go clubbing. But before that I had one last midterm to study for. So I go to school 2 hours early to go to the library. Im studying and 10 minutes before my final I realize that I left my calculator at home. Needless to say, I was pissed. So im storming out of the library, and realize that I left my cell phone in the study room. I run back not even 5 minutes later, and its gone. So now im just super pissed and I couldnt do anything about it just yet because I had to take a final. So I take my final w/out a calculator, needless to say it was ALOT harder w/out a calculator. So already I feel like shit. I get to my car, and low and behold what do I find? This little beauty below. Friday sucked balls, the only thing that made me feel better was knowing that it was my last day of work.

So after work, the whole crew decided to hit up the club. Long story short we ended up having a wicked ass house party instead. These are the before pictures. I promise ill have the "after" shots up pretty soon. Heres just a few of us, there were about 30 people total that went out for my last day of work.