Friday, September 19, 2008

Love Hangover

by Kidz in the Hall feat. Estelle

LoVe HaNGoVeR - KiDz iN tHe HaLL

Constant rotation.

I hate I love you, I love that I hate you.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quizik Fizix

Quick Fix? Of course! Its a medium we as humans look for on a daily basis. That one moment of instant gratification in which problems go away and the urban monontony that is our lives seem that much more easier to comprehend. Is it bad? That question is debatable. However, just as with most things in life, it should be taken in moderation. That my friends, is where my own problems lay. Regardless of a situation, whether it be for: work, school, home or my relationship for that matter, like a incoherent meth addict, im always in search of that quick fix. Why do people lie or omit certain details? For that quick fix; because nine times out of ten its easier to tell a lie than it is to tell the truth. Besides, the facade of lying is far less complicated than dealing with the rammifications of the truth. We all do it. Why do people play the lottery? Because they believe the answer to all of their life's problems lay in the hands of six randomized ping pong balls, that salvation comes in the form of an oversized check, and that satisfaction comes with the pleasures of green pieces of denominated paper stacks. Its fast, its cheap, and its easy. A fair assesment of the sounding slogan that can only be described as modern Americana.

In the end, were not only hurting ourselves but also those around us. Like the viral marketing of some up and coming indie film, everything must come full circle. Being up front not only makes it easier in the end, it conveys honesty; a trait seldom seen in the world nowadays. Yet why do I still insist on constantly learning the hard way? Those people that insist on using the stairs when theres a perfectly working escalator right next to them? Yeah my fellow blog readers thats me. The kid who touched the fire after your parents told you repeatedly time and time again that its hot? Guilty.

The purpose of this entry? That I am not sure. Its an apology. An apology to someone dear to me that ive ive hurt time and time again. Because the words "I'm sorry" have lost all literal meaning. I've loved and have lost and in my quest to become a better human being, I've learned that the first step to curing and addiction is to swallow ones pride and admit you have a problem. This is an admition, this is an apology, this is a promise.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Bear!

So heres the most random video Ive seen in a while. Its a guy in a bear costume chillen during Hurricane Ike. Enjoy.

and while were on the topic of happy bears, t minus 4 days and counting til I see my fathead again. Thursday couldn't come soon enough. Be grateful any of you out there with significant others that you can see one another on a regular basis. Some of us don't have that luxury. How I envy you. =/ But for now, all that is left is anticipation. Sleep tite.