A familiar face

So about 8 days ago I was walking past a photo collage of Uncle Exie and I noticed something. Right there on the wall near the bottom right hand of the frame was a moth. I thought really nothing about it until 3 days later when I noticed that the moth was still there. I thought it might be dead so I blew on it. It flapped its wings. It was still alive. Why hadn't this moth moved for the past 3 days? I don't know about your culture, but in mine, moths play a large role in symbolism. Theyre supposed to represent loved ones who have passed away and have come back. Ive known this since I was a kid and to this day I will never harm a moth. I found it particularly odd that this moth so happened to appear on April 10, Uncle Exie's birthday and right next to a picture frame on the wall containing pictures of Uncle Ex with members of my family. Kind of creepy in a way, but somehow kind of reassuring as well. So now its been 8 days since I saw this moth and its still there. Thanks for looking after me Uncle Ex. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you on your birthday. I still think about you every day. I miss you and ill see you on Saturday! =)